
About me

Hi, I'm Adam. This website is just one of the ways I bring my numerous passions together into a single place and tell the world about it. If you're into STEM, cognitive science, data science, kinesiology, CAD, 3D printing, UX research or skill acquisition and education... I want us to connect.  

Academically, I am a cognitive kinesiologist focusing on the relationships between exercise and mental performance. Professionally, I have experience as a solo operator and a manager of teams in multiple industries. As I finish my PhD, my career focuses on improving education and healthcare through industry research, process optimization and skill development.

Use the buttons below to see my main pages for aspects of my professional capabilities, or read the summaries below them.


The Science of Human Movement

Kinesiology, often incorrectly labelled "sports science", is the core interdisciplinary field of research connecting healthcare, preventative medicine, wellness, technology, psychology, neuroscience, anatomy, physiology, sociology and human performance. It is literally defined as "the study of human movement", and that means all forms of human movement, not just sports.

I am proud to have a PhD in this complex and enriching scientific field, which brings together my interests in all of the sciences I listed above. Within kinesiology, we have been able to map and measure the relationships between cognitive outcomes such as attention, processing speed, memory, self-efficacy and motor-cognitive dual tasking to health outcomes and behaviors.

If there is one thing we can all do to better understand ourselves and the larger science around our physical, cognitive and emotional health, it would be to better educate ourselves in the incredible field of kinesiology and start to incorporate the findings of kinesiological research into our professional and recreational lives.

Data Scientist

The collection, processing, management, analyzing and interpretation of large datasets, as well as the development of new software, hardware and communication systems in research. 

Through kinesiology I have learnt and practiced the skills to collect, manage, process and analyze large datasets from countless sources. Data does more than tell us the outcome of an experiment. Data informs policy, therapy, safety and investment in future systems. After statistical data, our research required that we develop new programs, new interfaces and new ways to assess movement, cognition and perception. App development, machine code, AI, social media, marketing and UX are all necessary skills for researchers looking at the inter-reactions between cognition, technology and movement.

Martial Artist

The expression of the self through stylized systems and methodologies of combat

Martial Arts have provided a home for me wherever I go. Around the world, there is a community of people who practice and preserve the countless martial arts developed over the centuries. These dedicated people, many holding respected titles such as Sensei, Sifu, Guru and Coach, have safeguarded the history and dignity of culturally rich and physical demanding disciplines which build the body, the mind and the character of everyone who practices them. My latest study is dedicated to the instructors, past and present, who have inspired me to continue my training and develop the scientific understanding of these incredible movement systems.

Technology and Design

Creativity, Innovation and Application

My own interest in health-related tech, including designs to assist those with amputation or other mobility constraints, has always been assisted by the huge leaps forward in accessible, powerful CAD technology. Whether in TinkerCAD or Fusion360, I have designed and prototyped numerous iterations of functional devices. It is a long-term goal of mine to bring some of these designs to fruition so they can start to make a real difference to people's lives.


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